Randburg Real Estate

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Pest Control Services



Contact Info:

Fumigation Worx JHB (serving Randburg) 011 – 830 0774
Rentokil Initial Midrand 011 – 708 2831
Pest Chem Blairgowrie 011 – 888 4371
Neledzi Cleaning Services Edenvale 086 – 163 5339
Service Master Pest Control JHB (serving Randburg) 011 – 452 4955
Levingers Home Services Strijdom Park 011 – 699 8600


Articles on natural and homemade pest repellents


Getting rid of Roaches

Roaches are never welcome guests, but that doesn’t need you need to coat your home in pricey chemicals to get rid of them. Here’s a homemade roach killer that will get the job done:

What You Need:

  • Borax
  • Sugar (granulated or powdered)

What You Do:

Mix borax and sugar together in equal parts. Then, apply it along the baseboards, in cracks, under cabinets, under the sink and anywhere else you’ve seen roaches. Reapply as needed until all bugs are gone.

Why This Works:

Roaches consume the mixture because they are attracted to the sugar. Once consumed, the borax damages both their digestive system and their outer skeleton, resulting in death. This works very much like the boric acid found in commercial products, but costs much less.

Benefits of Using Borax to Kill Roaches

  • inexpensive
  • chemical-free
  • fume-free
  • environmentally-friendly


1) Borax (20 Mule Team Borax) can be found in the laundry aisle at the store, since it is most commonly used as a laundry booster
2) Store any unused portions in an air-tight container to maintain freshness, and be sure to label it
3) It may be a couple of weeks before you notice a decline in the population


1)    Keep away from children and pets
2)    Borax loses some of its effectiveness when it gets wet


Natural Moth Repellents

Fill sachets with dried lavender, or dip cotton balls in lavender oil. Then, place in closets, drawers and any other places where clothes are stored.

Dried mint leaves are another effective moth repellent. Place several leaves in a sachet, or place loose leaves among your clothes.

Cedar wood has long been recognized as a moth repellent, and for good reason – it works. If you’re lucky enough to have a cedar-lined closet or chest, be sure to make use of it. Otherwise, pick up some cedar chips or blocks from the store, and place them where needed.

Note: Cedar loses its scent (the repellent aspect) over time. To bring the scent back, sand the cedar lightly, or purchase and bottle of cedar oil, and apply it to the wood.

Cloves, Thyme, Ginseng and Rosemary
Fill a sachet with one or a combination of these four herbs to keep moths at bay for months.

Clothing Storage Tips

Clean Clothes Before Storing
Wash all clothing, and dry it in the sun before packing it away at the end of the season. This will help to kill any larvae that may be present in the clothing. Cotton garments can also be ironed as a further deterrent.

Store Clothing in Sealed Containers
Store clothing in sealed containers—chests, plastic storage containers, suitcases, etc.—where moths can’t get to them.

Store Clothing in a Dry Place
Moths prefer moist environments, so store your clothes in a dry area of your home.

Moths gravitate towards dirt, so vacuum your carpets and baseboards regularly to prevent an infestation or to eliminate an existing infestation.

Note: If you’re dealing with a current infestation, change your vacuum bag regularly to ensure you’re getting the larvae out of your home.


Ways to get rid of ants

Save yourself the hassle of sifting through the lore, and give these cheap, natural and science-based ant remedies a try:


Wipe down your countertops, cupboards and any other places where you’ve spotted ants with a 50-50 mixture of white vinegar and water. Repeat throughout the day to maintain the efficacy.

Why This Works: Two reasons, really: ants hate the smell of vinegar, and it removes the scent trails that they use to get around

Chalk/ Baby Powder

Draw a line of chalk or sprinkle baby powder across the spot where the ants are entering your home.

Why This Works: Talcum powder, an ingredient in both chalk and baby powder, is a natural ant repellent. Just be careful if you decide to use it: some studies have linked talc to cancer.


Mix together equal parts Borax and either syrup or jelly. Then, place where the ants will find it.

Why This Works: Once consumed, Borax damages both the ants’ digestive systems and their outer skeletons, resulting in death.


Sprinkle cinnamon, mint, chilli pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves or garlic – whichever one you happen to have – in the area where you’ve seen ants and along your home’s foundation. Bay leaves can also be placed in cabinets, drawers and containers to further deter those pesky critters.

Why This Works: Many plants – including the ones listed – give off a strong scent to repel ants and other insects in the wild, and it works just as well in your home.

Coffee Grounds

Sprinkle your used coffee grounds in the garden and around the outside of your house.

Why This Works: Ants are repelled by the scent given off by the grounds; and incidentally, so are cats.

Cucumber/Citrus Peels

Leave the peelings in areas of known ant activity.

Why This Works: Cucumber and citrus peels are toxic to the types of fungi that ants feed on, and therefore avoided by the ants.

Homemade Flea Repellent

In search of a cheap, but effective flea repellent for your pooch?
Then, try this: mix equal parts white vinegar and water together in a spray bottle, and apply the mixture directly to your dog’s coat. Finish by working it in with your hands and your pooch is protected from those pesky fleas.

Why This Works
Fleas hate the smell and taste of vinegar, and do their best to avoid it.

Benefits of Using Vinegar as a Flea Spray

  • inexpensive
  • no harsh chemicals to irritate skin
  • fragrance-free
  • pet-safe and kid-safe
  • environmentally-friendly
  • soothes and heals any existing flea bites

Tips and Warnings

1)    Repeat every couple days to maintain the effectiveness
2)     This spray can also be used on cats, but be warned: most cats hate the smell of vinegar  
3)    Do not reuse empty cleaner bottles– they could contain chemical residues that are harmful to your pet.

Homemade dog shampoo

Dog shampoo should clean your dog, but it shouldn’t clean out your wallet at the same time. For a low-cost dog shampoo that really works, sprinkle baking soda onto your dog’s coat; and rub it in with your hands. Then, follow up with a good brushing – it’ll leave your dog’s coat shiny, clean and odour-free.

Why This Works

Baking soda neutralizes odours, while its gritty texture grabs and removes stuck on dirt and oils.

Benefits of Shampooing with Baking Soda

  • inexpensive
  • no harsh chemicals to irritate skin
  • fragrance-free
  • neutralizes odours, rather than covering them up
  • kills fleas naturally


1) Use to eliminate wet dog odours

2) Use for a quick freshening between baths

3) Mix baking soda with water to create a wet shampoo


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